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Important 2024 dates for IRS Tax in Portugal

Important 2024 dates for IRS Taxpayers in Portugal

Starting from April 1st, you can start filing your IRS tax return in Portugal for the year 2023. But there's a bit of prep work to do before that and a little preparation goes a long way in making this process smooth.

Mark these key dates on your calendar to risk paying a fine and potentially save on your taxes in Portugal.

Key dates to remember for submitting IRS tax in Portugal

February 15th 2024: Update your family info

Did your family situation change in 2023? You have until February 15th to update this information.

Also, if you're sharing expenses for kids under joint custody, you must inform the Portuguese tax office.

Couples have until this date to choose to be taxed together for certain surcharges, despite the default setting that taxes them separately.

February 28th 2024: Check your "faturas"

Before February 28th, log into the e-Fatura portal ( and make sure all your "faturas" (invoices and receipts submitted to the Portuguese Tax Authority with your NIF (Portuguese tax number) on it) are correct and accounted for.

Pending invoices must be validated one by one. You must repeat this process for each member of your household, including children.

e-Fatura portal in Portugal

March 15th - 31st 2024: Verify deductions

This period is for double-checking the deductions calculated on e-invoices, such as health, education, housing expenses (rent and interest) and nursing homes.

Before March 31st, you can also fill in beforehand an organization or charity in Portugal to donate 0,5% of your IRS income tax, at no cost to you.

April 1st - June 30th 2024: File your IRS Tax Return

In Portugal, the official window to file your 2023 income tax return online is between April 1st and June 30th.

Automatic submission is available for many taxpayers in Portugal, especially if you have income from work or pensions. But if you have doubts about how to do this, it is advisable to speak to a certified Portuguese Accountant who can help you.

After filing your IRS statement: Keep an eye on your tax return

Once you have submitted your IRS statement for 2023, you can track your return's status online. It's crucial to check for errors to avoid delays in getting any refunds due.

If your IRS tax statement for 2023 is considered "Correct" and you are entitled to a refund, the Portuguese tax office has until August 31st to issue your refund.

Remember, staying on top of important 2024 dates for taxpayers in Portugal not only keeps you compliant but can also ensure you take full advantage of potential deductions.

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